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Diabetes insipidus

Clinical Discipline(s)/Organ System(s)
Endocrinology, Renal Medicine
Progress Test Topic(s)
You are on your GP placement and are asked to see a 19 year old NZ European woman who has been drinking lots of water for the past couple of months. She can't go anywhere without a bottle of water. She says she does this because she is always going to the toilet and gets up 3-4 times each night to drink. She has normal body weight.
Progress Test-Type Questions:   Question 1 | Question 2
Applied Science for Medicine 
   - Anatomy of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
   - Controls of antidiuretic hormone (ADH; also known as vasopressin) release
   - End-organ effects of ADH
   - Renal mechanism for concentrating urine
   - Mechanisms that promote thirst
   - Pharmacology of desmopressin
Clinical and Communication Skills 
   - Elicit a history from a polydipsic, polyuric patient; consider family history, past head trauma, past meningitis and intracranial surgery
   - Examine the polydipsic, polyuric patient; assess fluid balance and visual fields
   - Interpret serum and urine osmolality, urine dipstick
   - Differential diagnosis of polyuric patient
   - Differential diagnosis of abnormalities in serum sodium
   - Indications for water deprivation test
   - Define diabetes insipidus and explain the two types
   - Drugs that cause diabetes insipidus
   - Complications of diabetes insipidus
   - Management of central and nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Personal and Professional Skills 
   - Knowing when to refer to specialist
Population Health 
   - Epidemiology of diabetes insipidus
Conditions to be considered relating to this scenario
central diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, primary polydipsia, diabetes mellitus, urinary tract infection, hypokalaemia
medullary sponge kidney