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Childhood obesity

Clinical Discipline(s)/Organ System(s)
Epidemiology, Paediatrics, Population Health, Hauora Māori
Progress Test Topic(s)
Child health, General duties
The Board of Trustees at the local primary school seeks your advice, as a senior doctor in the town, on what they perceive to be a serious issue; the number of overweight children in the school.
Progress Test-Type Questions:   Question 1 | Question 2 | Question 3
Applied Science for Medicine 
   - What determines body weight in childhood
   - Relation of body weight to healthy development
   - Long term sequelae of high body weight
Clinical and Communication Skills 
   - Information management (e.g. you might want to check your own practice records to determine whether being overweight or obese are major issues among your patients, and how this compares with what is observed nationwide)
Personal and Professional Skills 
   - Sensitivity around body image, and understand the influence of education level, media, and culture on one's perspective on lifestyle choices
Hauora Māori 
   - Aware that Māori and other disadvantaged groups of the community are over-represented in certain public health issues, and the importance of developing culturally sensitive strategies
Population Health 
   - Role of medical professionals in the community
   - Broad determinants of health approach to determinants of overweight and obesity (Dahlgren and Whitehead)
   - Life course associations between childhood overweight and chronic disease
   - Cost of overweight and obesity across the life course
   - Trends in population rates of overweight and obesity - NZ and global
   - Individual and population prevention and intervention strategies to reduce the burden of the consequences of overweight and obesity
Conditions to be considered relating to this scenario
Related Scenarios

Glossary of epidemiology terms