Relevant Auckland MBChB Learning Outcomes

Health and Society: medical graduate as a health advocate
3.9: Demonstrate an understanding of global health issues and determinants of health and disease including their relevance to healthcare delivery in Australia and New Zealand and the broader Western Pacific region.
MBChB Graduate Learning Outcomes
 Applied Science for Medicine
 •  Apply scientific principles, research methodologies and evidence to improve practice and the health of individuals and communities.
 Population Health
 •  Identify feasible strategies to improve health that incorporate the broader determinants of health at community and population level;
 •  Identify major threats to health and critique trends in health care delivery in New Zealand and internationally;
MBChB 221: Principles of Medicine
 Population Health
8Identify genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that contribute to disease in the New Zealand population.
MBChB 321: Blood, Immunity and Infection
 Hauora Māori
9Establish reasons why selected infectious diseases are more prevalent in Māori and compare with other ethnic communities.
MBChB 321: Professional and Clinical Skills 2
 Population Health
16 •  Evaluate the impact of historical, political and social processes with respect to people’s health
MBChB 401: Formal Learning Yr 4
 Global Health
• Outline why health is global and the major challenges to health are globally distributed.
• Explain the major global health challenges of the 21st century (via the global burden of disease project), with an emphasis on the Asia Pacific region specifically.
• Illustrate the contribution that NZ medical professionals can make can on the national and international stage to make a difference to global health.
• Identify the specific knowledge, attitudes and skills that are currently required by global health agencies to be effective in improving health outcomes a global or regional level.
MBChB 501: Psychiatry
 Population Health
11 •  Identify major threats to mental health and critique trends in healthcare delivery in New Zealand and internationally.
MBChB 551: General Practice
 Hauora Māori
 •  Social, cultural, political and economic factors are integrated into clinical practice.
 Population Health
 •  Broader social and economic environment determinants are applied to patient wellbeing and outcomes.
MBChB 551: Paediatrics
 Population Health
 •  Poverty, social and economic policies impacting on child health are identified.