Relevant Auckland MBChB Learning Outcomes

Health and Society: medical graduate as a health advocate
3.7: Understand and describe the roles and relationships between health agencies and services, and explain the principles of efficient and equitable allocation of finite resources, to meet individual, community and national health needs.
MBChB Graduate Learning Outcomes
 Personal and Professional Skills
 •  Work as a constructive and collaborative health care team member and as a leader for elements of health care, with respect for complementary skills and competencies;
 •  Make appropriate decisions in situations of incomplete knowledge, complexity/ambiguity, or resource constraint.
 Population Health
 •  Identify feasible strategies to improve health that incorporate the broader determinants of health at community and population level;
MBChB 221: Clinical Pharmacology
 Population Health
4Discuss the contribution of medicines, and their costs, to health care in New Zealand.
MBChB 321: Professional and Clinical Skills 2
 Population Health
16 •  Outline the role of various community-based health agencies with interests in the health needs of different communities
MBChB 401: Geriatrics
 Clinical and Communication Skills
4 •  Summarise the range, together with their respective roles, of domiciliary and institutional services outside the public hospital;
 •  Explain how and when these services need to be incorporated into a management plan for the elderly patient;
MBChB 401: Formal Learning Yr 4
 Alcohol and Drugs
 •  Identify a range of services available and the appropriate time for a referral of a patient
MBChB 401: Palliative Medicine
 Clinical and Communication Skills
 •  Summarise the range of specialist palliative care services available and how to access advice/ make a referral in hospital and community settings.
MBChB 501: General Practice
 Personal and Professional Skills
6 •  Explain how and when other health professionals need to contribute to the care of a patient.
 •  Understand the roles, responsibilities and linkages of those contributing to a primary health care team.
MBChB 501: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
 Personal and Professional Skills
10 •  Work as part of a team including with allied health, other health professionals and recognising the role of community organisations.
 •  Summarise the roles, responsibilities and collaborative processes of health professionals in obstetrics and gynaecology.
 Population Health
13 •  Locate the hospital management of childbirth within the wider context of primary and community-based care.
MBChB 501: Paediatrics
 Population Health
11 •  Determine how access to health professionals are achieved – special complexities of adolescent health services, non accidental injury and roles of referral networks including governmental agencies (Child, Youth and Family (CYF) and hospital teams).
MBChB 501: Psychiatry
 Population Health
11 •  Suggest improvement that may lead to better collaboration among mental health agencies.
 •  Appraise the organisation of health services for patients with psychiatric problems.
MBChB 501: Specialty Surgery
 Population Health
8Determine the relative roles of primary, secondary, tertiary, outpatient and ambulatory care for selected surgical specialties.
MBChB 501: Formal Learning Yr 5
 Dilemmas in Palliative Medicine
 •  Identify the key skills for triaging referrals in palliative medicine
 Hauora Māori
 •  Discuss the role of support services in improving health care and outcomes for Maori whānau
 Population Health Intensive
 •  Describe the relationship of community agencies with the health care system
 •  List the key challenges of prioritising health care provision with limited resources
MBChB 551: Paediatrics
 Personal and Professional Skills
 •  Interaction with and understanding the roles of other medical, nursing and allied health staff, and appropriate community organisations.
 Population Health
 •  Special complexities and specific concerns for adolescent health services are outlined.
MBChB 551: Psychiatry
 Population Health
 •  Improvements in public health mental services through reflection on current delivery models of mental health care.
MBChB 551: General Surgery
 Population Health
 •  Consider rationing of services/ prioritisation of acute or elective care, futile surgery.