Relevant Auckland MBChB Learning Outcomes

Clinical Practice: medical graduate as practitioner
2.14: Place the needs and safety of patients at the centre of the care process. Demonstrate safety skills including infection control, graded assertiveness, adverse event reporting and effective clinical handover.
MBChB Graduate Learning Outcomes
 Clinical and Communication Skills
Graduates will, with a culturally competent, empathetic patient-centred approach and with skills appropriate for the stage and setting of practice:
 •  Communicate sensitively and effectively with patients, their families and colleagues using a process of shared decision-making where appropriate;
 Personal and Professional Skills
 •  Explain the influence of own culture and that of the health system on patient and population health outcomes;
 •  Work as a constructive and collaborative health care team member and as a leader for elements of health care, with respect for complementary skills and competencies;
MBChB 221: Clinical Pharmacology
 Population Health
4 •  Describe the impact of adverse drug reactions and medication error.
MBChB 321: Blood, Immunity and Infection
 Applied Science for Medicine
4Outline the principles of how infectious diseases may be diagnosed, treated and prevented, using appropriate examples of medically-important pathogens.
MBChB 321: Professional and Clinical Skills 2
 Applied Science for Medicine
5Quality and Safety
 •  Distinguish between the concepts of quality and safety
 •  Describe the principles of safe work practices
 •  Identify the respective roles and responsibilities of the members of a multidisciplinary team in the provision of optimal patient care
 •  Propose actions a healthcare ‘team’ might take to prevent adverse events
 Clinical and Communication Skills
6 •  Describe the components of patient-centred interactions
9 •  Demonstrate safe practice in relation to venesection and cannulation in a simulated setting
MBChB 321: Quality and Safety Project
 Clinical and Communication Skills
 •  Explain the difference between a person-oriented and a systems-oriented approach to an adverse event in healthcare.
 •  Explain the use of root cause analysis as a tool to analyse adverse events and improve safety and quality in healthcare.
 •  Discuss the actions a healthcare ‘team’ might take to prevent adverse events in healthcare.
MBChB 401: Anaesthesiology
 Clinical and Communication Skills
5 •  gain informed consent for an anaesthetic;
MBChB 401: General Practice
 Personal and Professional Skills
4 •  Admitting to others when you have made a mistake or when you have incomplete knowledge on certain topics;
 •  Working in stressful situations and during situations where feedback is positive and/or negative.
MBChB 401: Musculoskeletal
 Personal and Professional Skills
8Engagement with the team
MBChB 401: General Surgery
 Hauora Māori
8 •  Recognise particular issues for Māori with respect to tissue removal and general anaesthesia.
 •  Engage in a culturally safe manner with Māori patients, whānau and communities.
MBChB 401: Formal Learning Yr 4
 •  Summarise the major contribution of inappropriate antimicrobial therapy of URTIs to the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria in our community.
 Nosocmial Infection
 •  Explain the high incidence of healthcare associated infections, and the procedures that particularly place patients at risk of these infections.
 •  Discuss the importance of hand hygiene and barrier precautions in preventing healthcare associated infections.
 •  Apply the methods of diagnosing and where necessary treating two common, important healthcare associated infections: vascular cannula infections, and urinary catheter associated infections.
 •  Demonstrate how to perform effective hand hygiene.
 Ethics and Law
 •  Summarise the ethical and legal frameworks governing health information in New Zealand.
MBChB 401: Palliative Medicine
 Clinical and Communication Skills
 •  Define and explain the concepts of palliative and end of life care; shared care model of working and interface between services.
 •  Summarise the range of specialist palliative care services available and how to access advice/ make a referral in hospital and community settings.
MBChB 501: General Practice
 Applied Science for Medicine
1Apply key basic science, behavioural and social science principles to the evaluation of patients presenting with problems in primary care.
 Clinical and Communication Skills
3Develop skills for shared decision making with patients.
 •  Explain the importance of patient goals in achieving the best clinical outcome.
 •  Identify specific patient values with particular attention to practicing in a culturally diverse community.
 Personal and Professional Skills
5 •  Demonstrate appropriate attitudes and skills in managing patients and their families.
6 •  Explain how and when other health professionals need to contribute to the care of a patient.
 •  Contribute to the initiation of referrals for specialist advice appropriately for a range of conditions.
 •  Understand the roles, responsibilities and linkages of those contributing to a primary health care team.
MBChB 501: Obstetrics & Gynaecology
 Clinical and Communication Skills
8 •  Communicate with patients and families with respect and cultural sensitivity
 Personal and Professional Skills
9 •  Demonstrate ethical decision making including obtaining appropriate consent from patients and families.
MBChB 501: Psychiatry
 Clinical and Communication Skills
3 •  Assess and properly manage safety issues.
 •  Identify the risk issues to be managed and include these in a plan.
MBChB 501: Specialty Surgery
 Population Health
8Determine the relative roles of primary, secondary, tertiary, outpatient and ambulatory care for selected surgical specialties.
MBChB 501: Formal Learning Yr 5
 Clinical Challenges in Medical Practice
 •  Explain how failings of the biomedical model may relate to problems in the doctor-patient relationship, and how these may be recognised in clinical practice
 Infections and Immunisations in Children
 •  Explain the importance of prevention of infection through primary healthcare and access
 Ethics Symposium: Primnum non tacere: “First, be not silent”
 •  Explain the importance of speaking up
 •  Summarise the ethical essentials to practice responsible medicine
 Effective interventions for young people
 •  Explain the main health and wellbeing issues for young people
 •  Outline the key features of effective interventions for young people
 Optimised Patient
 •  Explain strategies for optimising patients to mitigate their risk factors in advance of an invasive procedure and apply in clinical settings
 •  Explain an effective or optimal approach or pathway to prepare a patient for anaesthesia and surgery
MBChB 551: General Practice
 Clinical and Communication Skills
 •  Skills in writing referral letters are demonstrated.
 •  Specialist advice is integrated appropriately for a range of conditions.
 Personal and Professional Skills
 •  Competency is developed in transfer of care to medical and other healthcare teams.
 Population Health
 •  The role of general practice and its integration with the wider health care network is articulated, including regional variations in healthcare provision; health promotion and prevention appropriate for the community; major primary health care targets.
MBChB 551: General Medicine
 Clinical and Communication Skills
 •  Patient centred management plans are prepared for common general medical problems.
 Personal and Professional Skills
 •  Responsibility for decision making at appropriate levels is developed, while recognising the need for assistance.
 Applied Science for Medicine
 •  Application of pharmacologic principles is demonstrated in disease management and safe prescribing practice.
MBChB 551: Paediatrics
 Personal and Professional Skills
 •  Participation in handover and the use of structured tools for safe transfer of clinical cases.
 Population Health
 •  Situations of potential child abuse are recognised and roles of referral network including social work and child abuse teams are outlined.
MBChB 551: Clinical Imaging
 Clinical and Communication Skills
 •  Important information in referral process from clinician to radiologist and vice versa.